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A captivating performance that confuses and muddles the boundaries between reality, fiction, and the supernatural to the world premiere of “Leave on a Light” written and composed by LyLena Estabine


Singers: Isabella Meyer, soprano; LyLena Estabine, mezzo-soprano

Instrumentalists: Mai Nguyen, flute; LyLena Estabine, piano

Audio Editing: LyLena Estabine

Video Editing: Mai Nguyen


Transition Composition: Mai Nguyen

Leave on a Light

Written and composed by LyLena Estabine

When the sun sets

To leave the horizon in darkness

Sometimes I still hear the voice

Of people I’ve left in the daytime


Against the deep

Midnight blue canvas of evening

You can’t see the stars in this city

So some folks will leave on a light

But the night still comes and the



Lands on the eyelids of dreamers

Deep in the valley already

Gone from this world to another

Sure makes you wonder how


The nightlight can’t stop them from leaving

The moonshine doesn’t keep you from seeing

The things you let go

Where our thoughts go

When they turn to dreaming


Many have tried

To fight off her call in the distance

It echoes


In chambers of silence

Gone before you can reply

Look outside

Reach out your hand to the moonlight

But soon you will find that

Your body

No longer belongs to your mind



Watch over the souls of the sleeping

Lost in the shadows already

Some part of them gone for to rest

But not fully repressed if

The starlight can’t break through the ether

The streetlight can’t keep you here either

Does anyone know

Where our thoughts go when they turn to dreaming



Eyelids are drooping to seal you

Away from the troubles in sight

Though follow you some troubles might

So leave on a light


As your mind falls into the trance of the night

Might as well give her a chance

Because nobody knows

Where our thoughts will go

When they turn to dreaming

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